2 research outputs found

    Marine Life & Fish Management an Effective Tool of Blue Economy of Pakistan

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    Currently, all fishery-related operations in Pakistan are handled by four major fish harbors: Karachi Fish Harbor, Korangi Fish Harbor, Pasni Fish Harbor, and Gwadar Fish Harbor. Pakistan's fishing communities are not only home to generations of people who have relied on the industry to make a living, but also to a wealth of natural beauty. However, with a growing population comes a rise in demand, and as supplies dwindle, so does the world's ability to feed its people. It's a similar story in marine fisheries, where declining interest from local and foreign corporations and the use of antiquated methods of fishing have made it difficult for fishermen to earn a livable wage.                          Keywords: Fish harbor; Pasni; Gwadar; Korangi; Karachi; Fisher

    Towards Building Blue Life Science Economy

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    The overexploitation and lack of land resources have compelled marine governments to rely on the oceans for economic prosperity. The term for this notion is "the blue economy." As a case study, the subject research focuses on the significance of changing from a green economy to a blue economy while stressing Pakistan's blue economy's potential and problems. Pakistan has failed to maximize the use of its abundant resources. Due to several obstacles confronted by Pakistan, the blue economy's resources are not being harnessed, as indicated by the data gathered throughout this topic study. This is a fallacy; in reality, these obstacles are already being overcome. The underlying reason these resources are not being utilized is a lack of will at all levels. Lack of nautical expertise and the capacity to see the sea, or "sea blindness," is seen to be the biggest obstacle to the development of Pakistan's marine industry. Islamic nations must agree on a plan to move from the Green Economy to the Blue Economy so that musharka, ijar, and sukuk can be used to meet future needs.                                      Keywords: Pakistan; Blue econom